torsdag, juli 31, 2008


He tried to sing his pain away. Ted was the best.

tisdag, juli 29, 2008

Sweptaways live at Europrides opening night!

The Sweptaways sing at Europrides opening night in Stockholm wednesday!


Tantolunden 22.00!

måndag, juli 28, 2008

The Kid - Interview

The Kid interview at It's a trap They also got The Kids track "Bloodmoon" streaming!

söndag, juli 27, 2008



"...att älska ett land, där alla människor hata varann det är svårt; där varje provins lider av högfärd att anse vara den förnämnsta; där man begagnar provinsnamnen som skällsord;... Ett land, vars jord är pantsatt i utlandet ... där kommunerna äro skuldsatta för improduktiva ändamål, och den enskilda lever på förskott, ... där medborgarandan icke går ut över släktingarna och kotteriet; där det politiska intresset börjar med riksdagmannavalet och slutar med taburetten, där det inte rör sig om att tjäna sitt land utan att få härska och riva i statskassan, belöna sina valmän och straffa de andra: där partier söndra och sekter förskingra, där är svårt att älska. Men man får väl försöka!"
- August Strindberg, En blå bok


Skåne live at Roskilde festival 2008!

Living is easy.

lördag, juli 26, 2008

Dom kommer

Vote for him

We need Barack

Make him president, and not only the God he already is.

onsdag, juli 16, 2008

Den bästa svenska låten någonsin

Peps Persson - Onådens år

Död och fruktansvärda plågor
Tortyr, napalm, ett barn i lågor
Ser jag i min teveapparat

Frusna ögon kastar fasa
Och en som man skjuts sönder till en trasa
Vart! ska jag göra av mitt hat..

Hur kan jag visa mitt förakt
För de som skriver på kontrakt
I folkets namn men utan folkets stöd

Kan man älska dessa girigbukar?
Ja, rent ut sagt, dessa jävla kukar!
som.. stjäl de fattigastes sista bröd

Jag har det faktiskt bra beställt
Jag slipper våld och död och svält
Jag har det bättre än dom flesta

Det är svårt att va nöjd
Och känna någon större fröjd
Jag känner mig rätt skamsen för det mesta

Snart så tröttnar tredje världens drängar
Å bränner våra papperspengar
Å verkligheten bultar på vår dörr

Å nöden når ditt vardagsrum
Du sitter där så blek och stum
Å önskar dig att allting var som förr

Men dom dagarna dom kommer aldrig tillbaka
Nej dom tiderna dom e förbi
Dom dagarna dom kommer aldrig tillbaka
Nej dom tiderna, dom tiderna dom e förbi... dom e förbi

Dom dagarna kommer aldrig tillbaka
Dom tiderna dom e förbi
Dom dagarna dom kommer aldrig tillbaka
Dom tiiiiiiiiderna dooooom e förbiiiii....

Well you're the real tough cookie with the long history

Fire away!

Every day I spend my time Drinkin' wine, feelin' fine Waitin' here to find the sign
That I can understand - yes I am

You're so fine, so petite, oh candy sweet Ah, I've been waiting Come here, baby, get to this

If you've been bad, (oh) Lord, I bet you have And you've not been hit, oh, by flying lead You'd better close your eyes. O-oh, bow your head. Wait for the ricochet.

Now some men like the fishin and some men like the fowlin And some men like ta hear a cannon ball a roarin Me I like sleepin specially in my mollys chamber

tisdag, juli 15, 2008


lördag, juli 12, 2008

Saint Etienne - Finisterre

FINISTERRE from Plexifilm on Vimeo.
58 minutes of cityism.

fredag, juli 11, 2008

Familjen - Nu händer det igen

Hot unofficial music for Familjen - Nu händer det igen. Enjoy.


lördag, juli 05, 2008

Biker boy - Chanson de juillet - free digital single!

Biker boy have reached July in the calendar year. This month is french, Chanson de juillet can be downloaded here!

Say hello to Biker boy and listen to the rmx of Chanson de juillet at Biker boys Myspace!

Hybris at Almedalsveckan

We are taking a few days time out from music, summer, dj:ing, concerts and beaches in Stockholm for a couple of days of politics, summer, dj:ing, concerts and beaches at Visby. Yep, Hybris is going to Almedalsveckan!
As we are one of the labels from The Swedish Model we will also be there representing The Swedish Model.

Almedalsveckan, for you that don't know, is sort of the political equivalent of Glastonbury festival, Roskilde festival or any other music festival. The only difference is that at music festivals geeks(music geeks) and normal people get together for a couple of days of talks, heavy drining and good music. At Almedalen only geeks(political geeks and media geeks) get together for a couple of days of talks, heavy drinking and bad music. Also, no normal people show up at Almedalen.

The music biz is not very much represented at Almedalen. Spot on by Almedalsbloggen that notice the total lack of anyone from the cultural sector. One could wonder why this is the case. We got a theory:
1. Regarding the 'fine arts' as ballet, litterature, movies(apparently considered a 'fine art' in Sweden) etcetera they get what they want from the state and having a high profile at Almedalsveckan would probably just lead to what they do not want - a hot discussion about the need/justifiable reasons of grants to different sectors of 'fine arts'
2. Regarding 'popular culture' such as 'pop' artists, record labels, publishing, booking agencies, club promotors - those sectors that are in businesses that actually draw a crowd any given day or night, without much support from the state. Why are they(us) not represented at Almedalen? We think it's because of
a) A historical view on popular culture as being something juvenile, something that is for kids and not to be taken seriously. By that we mean that Popular culture is being regarded as not advanced enough by the political establishment and by people in general. Pop music deserves some respect.
b)Because of an attitude from the majorlabels/labels in general/music biz in general as being financially safe and therefore not in any need of goverment grants, political drabble, music schools and whatnot one could think of.

However, we will be there! The reason we are there are that we are going to take part in a panel debate held by the swedish Pirate party. It's at Tuesday 9.30. More info here.
It will be us, Oscar Swartz and a representants from the swedish Pirate party there to talk about Copyright law and the conflict with the current laws and integrity. The seminar is one of few that will deal with questions regarding the cultural sector in any part. It's probably the only one with a representant from the cultural sector itself, we couldn't find any event in the calendar anyway that both will be about the cultural sector in some way and has a participant that is actually doing business in the cultural sector as well.

It is very bad that the cultural sector is not represented at Almedalsveckan. This should be corrected. The music biz knows how to throw a party and get noticed. Next year we should take over the show at Almedalsveckan.

A rush and a push...

onsdag, juli 02, 2008

Rubies - Stand in a line - Video!

By Paris and Karen