onsdag, december 31, 2008

Happy new year! This is DISCO

2009 is here, 2008 is forgotten. Let's move on, movin on up, getting further, faster, harder, better, stronger - harder, better, scooter.

And this is the soundtrack. Delivered to you from your fave, the hybris crew, directly from the other side of the world. From Hai Phong, Vietnam: This is DISCO.


måndag, december 29, 2008


måndag, december 22, 2008

The song I hate

You can't touch this

torsdag, december 18, 2008



This teaser from Sound of arrows coming single is just ace:

The Sound of Arrows - M.A.G.I.C. (Mini-video) from The Sound of Arrows on Vimeo.

onsdag, december 17, 2008

Jonathan Johansson - En hand i himlen - The video!

Video for Jonathan Johanssons single "En hand i himlen"

Director: Simeon Frohm
Shot on location in Stockholm, Lisbon, Paris, Barcelona, Rome and Pamplona.

Like Honey release party Malmö

tisdag, december 16, 2008

Jonathan Johansson on tour next year!

Jonathan Johansson will go on tour next year with Gustav Spetz! You all know Jonathan Johansson. Gustav Spetz does excellent music too. He is ex Eskju Divine-singer and will release his solo album at Imperial next year. The tour is part of the club tour "Handen på hjärtat".

12.2 Debaser, Malmö
13.2 Bongo Bar, Jönköping
14.2 Sigurdsgatan 25, Västerås
20.2 Storsjöteatern, Östersund
21.2 Scharinska, Umeå
25.2 Raw, Eskilstuna
26.2 Koriander Bar & Deli, Karlstad
27.2 Tiki Room, Arvika
28.2 Västmanlands-Dala Nation, Uppsala

Little Britain

Once again. You just have to love that poor monarchy called England.


1: Ride - "Today". One of the best (and most well hidden) tracks of the 90s.

2: Trigger Happy TV

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söndag, december 14, 2008

Lika som bär 3

Familjen press photo 2007

Morrissey press photo 2008

Last year Kent was inspired by Sibira, pretty obvious.

This year we step up a notch or two. Apparently not even Morrissey have missed out on Familjen this year.

Merry Christmas

torsdag, december 11, 2008

Jonathan Johansson interviewed at P3 Populär

Jonathan Johansson was interviewed at swedish radio for the program P3 Populär today. Listen here!

Best live act

Familjen is nominated for Best live act "Guldmicken" at P3 Guld awards

All the nominees
Håkan Hellström
Miss Li

Youtube clip above: Familjen live at Siesta 2008. Just give him the award.

söndag, december 07, 2008

TIAC - It's christmas(but not for you) - Fan video!

TIAC Christmas single!

Christmas is right around the corner and here is an early christmas present from TIAC to get you in the right mood:

TIAC - It's Christmas (But not for you)

Zipfile with mp3 and covers.

torsdag, december 04, 2008

Jonathan Johansson live - Novellpriset

Jonathan Johansson live at Teater Scenario next tuesday, december 9! Gala!

onsdag, december 03, 2008

Lick my lips

måndag, december 01, 2008

The Look

Ok kids, just found this video on youtube. It's Brett and Bernard from Suede. The year is 1993.
If you look somewhat as HOTHOTHOT as Brett, give us a call. Today. We will make you a star. Your dream come through. Fill your life with gold and happiness and meaning. And if you can sing aswell, that's fine, but not a must.


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