tisdag, augusti 26, 2008

Guilty pleasures

There is a phenomenon called 'guilty pleasures'. It's supposed to be songs hip and in-the-know people use when they like a song that used to be viewed as 'not hip'. Case in point could be anything from E.L.O or Toto. 'Guilty pleasures' has taken a lot of flac lately, some accuse it of having destroyed everything that was ever beautiful with subcultures and music. However, we think 'guilty pleasures' always have existed in small circles of friends. It's just the scale of the penomenon that has grown.

The real problem today is the constant flow of music, entertainment, news, real life, emails, blogs and whatnot. Information everywhere and a constant hunt for the new. No time for reflection and deeper understanding of art and artists. We think we need camps out at the countryside with no means of communication where we can just sit and talk, eat and drink with each other. There need to be a change. Some kind of return to the lifestyle nobilities had in the 19th century.

This is how far Sthlm has come in 'guilty pleasures':

"Such a sexy,sexy pretty little thing
Fierce nipple pierce you got me sprung with your tongue ring"(WOOT==!=??!!?!)

Gets a bit better:
"I see the sun breaking down into dark clouds
and a vision of you standing out in a crowd."

"come my lady you're my
pretty baby ill make your legs shake
you make me go crazy"(blush, get the dual message?)

Killer ending:
"come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
uhhhhhh ha uhhhhhh ha
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me
come and dance with me"